Monday, March 2, 2015

Advocacy Poster Research

According to the American Cancer Society secondhand smoke causes 
“Between 150,000 and 300,000 lower respiratory tract infections (lung and 
bronchus) are diagnosed in children under 18 months of age, with 7,500 to 
15,000 hospitalizations each year.” In the poster by Jin Yee Ng of Singapore, it 
shows a birthday cake surrounded by girl themed party decorations. Stick out of 
the top of the cake there is a cigarette with the words, “Your best gift to her” 
above it. This poster is clearly stating that the best gift you could give you child is 
to quit smoking. In addition, the American Cancer Society say that secondhand 
smoke makes, “…children are much more likely to be put into intensive care 
when they have the flu; they stay in the hospital longer, and they’re more likely to 
need breathing tubes than kids who aren’t exposed to second hand smoke.” 
They go on to state that children’s growing bodies are more susceptible to the 
toxins in second hand smoke. In Jin Yee Ng’s poster makes this point by pulling 
at the viewer’s emotions. Using a young child’s birthday, he really makes the 

viewer think about the effects.

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